Donate to One Tree for Ever Bajan

Barbados is being sculpted, planted, and regenerated to increase biodiversity and co-create self sustaining ecosystems.

Help us to plant, nurture and maintain the trees needed to build Climate Resilience and Food Security in Barbados!

Walkers Institute for Regeneration Research Education and Design Inc.
(WIRRED) is a registered non-profit company under the Companies Act, Cap.308: Company No. 42861.
Non-profit status: Registered under Charities Act, Cap 243: Registered Charities No. 1405

Each Donation Counts! Thank You

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Office Address: Unit 22, Town Square Mall | Queen Street Speightstown, St. Peter | Barbados, W.I.
Visit Us at Walkers Reserve | Walkers, St. Andrew | Barbados, W.I.